Belonging at West Campus

Yale’s West Campus is committed to being a diverse and inclusive place. Through our Belonging initiatives, we are fostering a vibrant, thriving community where all are welcome, respected, and supported. Above all, our Belonging Plan is an open invitation for everyone at West Campus to engage in activities that meet this aim.

A Plan for West Campus

The West Campus has come together as a community of students, faculty, and staff to guide the actions and outcomes of this DEIB plan. Based on shared testimonies and ideas, our focus is on increasing community access and strengthening campus connections among all the units that belong here. Some of our recent steps are described in this infographic.

Colored cobbles at the West Campus

Get Support

Every member of our community should have the opportunity to feel safe, supported, and seen. Yale has multiple resources for students, faculty, and staff who need guidance, assistance, or information; or who want to discuss or report an incident of discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct.

Diversity is valued at West Campus

Summer Internships

Our DEIB Plan prioritizes access to West Campus for the local community, particularly to help area students to experience science and campus administration. Every summer we welcome New Haven Promise scholars to our labs and offices for hands on experience that we hope supports their onward careers.

Please contact Jon Atherton or Kelly Locke if you are interested in hosting a summer student. 

New Haven Promise scholars at West Campus

Community Art at Yale West Campus

Community Arts at Yale West Campus aims to celebrate the West Campus community by creating an environment that is welcoming to everyone who works at and visits campus. The program recognizes the value of art and creative work in generating vibrant, inclusive spaces, and through this initiative, seeks to perpetually enhance and support the West Campus community. 

Learn more about Community Art at Yale West Campus.

Community arts