The core laboratories at Yale’s West Campus provide access to critical expertise, training, and leading-edge technologies in support of outstanding research and education across the university. Our shared resources augment and extend individual research laboratories, serving to bridge departments, institutes and schools in support of new scientific discoveries at Yale.
Cores & Centers
West Campus Analytical Core
Supporting laboratories across West Campus through a range of high-value instruments used for biological, chemical, and other research projects.
West Campus Cleanroom
The cleanroom includes 1200 square feet of wet and dry clean laboratories rated at Class 1000, with features standard to most cleanrooms.
West Campus Flow Cytometry Core
The facility provides comprehensive flow cytometric analysis and sorting, including instrumentation, technical support, training, and consultation.
West Campus Imaging Core
Housing a collection of shared microscopes and sample preparation resources to support on-going research at Yale.
West Campus Materials Characterization Core
A university-wide facility in service to the investigation of crystal structures, surface topography, materials microstructure and chemical microanalysis.
Yale Aberration Corrected Electron Microscopy Core
The Yale ACEM Core focuses on high-throughput capabilities and expertise in electron microscopy techniques, including TEM, SEM, and FIB.
Yale CryoEM
The Yale CryoEM Resource comprises electron microscopes on all 3 campuses: a Titan Krios on West Campus, a Glacios and a Tecnai T12 at Yale School of Medicine, and a Glacios and a Talos L120C on Science Hill.
Yale Center for Molecular Discovery
Providing biology and chemistry services to the Yale community in the fields of target and molecular discovery.
Yale Center for Genome Analysis
A full service facility dedicated to providing RNA expression profiling, DNA genotyping, and high-throughput sequencing using state of the art technologies.
Yale Center for Research Computing
Powering a range of research initiatives through state-of-the-art computational systems to analyze and model massive amounts of data.
Research Support Services
Providing access to services such as glasswash/autoclave, emergency freezer storage, remote temperature monitoring, an on-site West Campus Resource Center, and more
Core News
Yale scientists imitate a bacterium’s eating habits to unravel common stomach bug
The findings from the Hatzios Lab could help generate new leads for therapeutic targets related to gastrointestinal diseases
Molecular map shows the way towards better food choices
Developed by scientists at the Yale Microbial Sciences Institute, a new map of the molecules in our food holds promise in nurturing optimal gut health
World’s most powerful 3D super-resolution microscope arrives at Yale’s West Campus
The world’s most powerful 3D super-resolution fluorescence microscope has arrived on West Campus.