
West Campus Wildlife Walks - Groundhog Day

This series, hosted by the Yale Peabody Museum in partnership with the Yale Institute for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage, explores the nature trails, woodlands, and natural landscape of Yale’s West Campus. Learn all about groundhogs and the history of their special holiday as we travel the West Campus nature trails looking for signs of spring. Meet at the West Campus Conference Center for a round trip walk of around 1.5 miles. Sturdy footwear recommended. Binoculars provided. Rain cancels.

West Campus Wildlife Walks - New Year's Nature Stroll

This series explores the nature trails, woodlands, and natural landscape of Yale’s West Campus. Join us for the New Year’s Nature Stroll, hosted by the Yale Peabody Museum in partnership with the Yale Institute for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage. We’ll take a walk across campus and look for signs of life in the winter woods. Meet at the West Campus Conference Center for a round trip walk of around 1.5 miles. Sturdy footwear recommended. Binoculars provided. Rain cancels.

IBDD Seminar Series - Eric Schmidt

Yale Institute of Biomolecular Design & Discovery hosts Prof. Eric W. Schmidt who is the William R. Droschkey Endowed Chair in Pharmacy, Distinguished Professor of Medicinal Chemistry L. S. Skaggs Pharmacy Institute, Adjunct Professor of Biological Sciences and Adjunct Professor of Chemistry at The University of Utah who will present his talk: “Hidden Biochemical Diversity Encoded in Animal Genomes.”
Host: Jason Crawford

IBDD Seminar Series - Eric Schmidt, University of Utah

Yale Institute of Biomolecular Design and Discovery at Yale West Campus presents: Eric Schmidt, PhD, Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacy, Univ. of Utah: “Hidden Biochemical Diversity Encoded in Animal Genomes.” Prof. Schmidt’s projects focus on marine animals from the coral reef. The animals and their compounds are beautiful, and they are therapeutically important. His laboratory examines the chemistry of ecological interaction.

West Campus Wildlife Walks – Winter Wildlife

This series explores the nature trails, woodlands, and natural landscape of Yale’s West Campus. Join the Winter Wildlife Walk to look for wildlife and their tracks and signs, hosted by the Yale Peabody Museum in partnership with the Yale Institute for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage. Meet at the West Campus Conference Center for a round trip walk of around 1.5 miles. Sturdy footwear recommended. Binoculars provided. Rain cancels.

Flow Core Lunch and Learn - Single-Cell Cytometry System Namocell

Efficient and gentle isolation of single cells is a critical step for single-cell genomics, cell line development, and more. Learn how Namocell’s easy to use, cartridge-based cytometry system enables efficient deposition of 1 cell per well in 384- and 96-well format and provides high clonal outgrowth for sensitive cells including after CRISPR editing. Namocell’s novel bulk sorting capability enables rapid enrichment and cloning of rare cells. Proprietary microfluidic technology eliminates the need for bead calibration enabling sorting 5 minutes after system startup.


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