
Cell Biology Seminar - Kallol Gupta and Joerg Bewersdorf

Yale Department of Cell Biology, Beyond-the-Bench Seminar presents: “Best Practices in Research Presentation” by speakers Kallol Gupta, PhD, Assistant Prof. of Cell Biology and member Yale Nanobiology Institute, and Joerg Bewersdorf, PhD, Harvey and Kate Cushing Professor of Cell Biology. Hosted by Bruna Mafra de Faria and Priyanka Sharma, Thurs, Aug. 10, 3:30 pm, Sterling Hall of Medicine, 333 Cedar St, Room C428, New Haven.

YWC Weekly Trainee Book club

Meet in the West Campus Cafe and talk books over lunch!For our first book we will be discussing Automate the Boring Stuff with Python: Practical Programming for Total Beginners.
These days Python is extensively used in scientific research. This social event allows our colleagues to hone their programming skills.


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